Sexual Wellbeing
Sexual Wellbeing

Does Sex Increase Testosterone?

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Does Sex Increase Testosterone?

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October 19, 2023


"Does sex increase testosterone?" It's a question that medical researchers mull over, health professionals scratch their head at, and the average person might reasonably be completely baffled by. But have no fear; GASM’s here. We’ve seen this topic pop up in all sorts of places; in fitness forums, on Couples Therapy on the BBC (really worth a watch, by the way) and in conversations with friends at the gym or in the pub. If you've found yourself thinking about whether Sex Increases Testosterone then you're not alone. In this GASM guide, we’ll delve into the scientific evidence, bust some myths, and think about some lifestyle choices which will help you understand the complex relationship between sex and testosterone.

What Is Testosterone And Why Is It Important?

Before diving into the subject, we need to first understand what testosterone is and why it matters. Testosterone is a steroid hormone primarily produced in the testes for men and, to a lesser extent, in the ovaries for women. It's responsible for a range of physiological processes such as muscle growth, body hair, and libido. For men especially, healthy testosterone levels are vital for sexual development and function, and play other roles too. For example, healthy levels of testosterone (neither too high nor too low) can also promote happiness and contentment.

The Scientific Evidence

Short-Term Effects

The evidence around sexual activity and testosterone levels paints a complex picture. Short-term studies have unhelpfully produced mixed results. (Science, eh? Turns out it’s not an exact science.) Some studies suggest that testosterone levels can temporarily spike after sexual activity, while others show little or even no change. The inconsistency in the findings could be due to a variety of factors, including participants’ age, overall health, and the research methods which were employed. Bear in mind also, there’s not huge amounts of money in doing this work so typically these are smaller studies which might vary in quality. 

Long-Term Effects

The long-term effects of sexual activity on testosterone levels are similarly inconclusive. While some studies suggest that regular sexual activity might lead to sustained increases in testosterone, others argue that any rise in the hormone is temporary and not sufficient for long-term elevation. As you can see, the picture isn’t exactly crystal clear.

Other Variables

Factors like age, diet, exercise, and stress levels also impact testosterone. For example, regular exercise, especially resistance training, has been proven to increase testosterone levels. It’s likely that, if your goal is to raise your testosterone levels, that resistance training is going to be much more impactful than increasing or decreasing the amount of sex you have. However, there are other proven health benefits to having regular sex including an improvement in cardiovascular fitness, and an elevation in oxytocin and serotonin; two hormones which improve general mental wellbeing. Check out our guide to wider Sexual Wellbeing here.

Debunking Myths

Myth 1: Abstaining From Sex Increases Testosterone

Some people believe that abstaining from sexual activity will naturally lead to an increase in testosterone levels. We don’t buy it, to be honest. The scientific evidence just isn’t there. While some studies have shown a slight increase in testosterone after a few days of abstinence, the levels appear to plateau and may even decline over longer periods of time.

Myth 2: Frequent Sex Leads To Testosterone Depletion

Another common myth is that frequent sexual activity will deplete your testosterone reserves. Again…nope. Most studies indicate that testosterone production is not significantly affected by frequent sexual activity, and any short-term changes are typically temporary.

The Mind-Body Connection

There's an undeniable psychological component to the relationship between sex and testosterone. Sexual arousal and activity often lead to the release of endorphins and other “feel-good” hormones. While these hormones are not directly linked to testosterone production, the general boost in well-being could potentially have a positive impact on your body's hormone regulation. Basically, sex is good, but don’t think that this is because it changes your levels of Testosterone. 

What Is The Relationship Between Sex And Testosterone

Ok, so if sex doesn’t impact Testosterone why are we writing this article? Well for one thing, many people believe that Testosterone is boosted or impeded by sex and we want to debunk that. The evidence isn’t there. 

But, if your testosterone levels are unhealthy (either too high or too low) this can materially impact your sex-drive and happiness. So there is a relationship between Sex and Testosterone, it’s just not the relationship everyone expects. Healthy Testosterone means you’re likely to want more sex and more sex can often lead to a range of health benefits.

How To Boost Testosterone Levels

If sex isn’t the answer, want to know what is the best way to boost T levels? GASM’s got you. Take a multi-pronged approach that focuses on lifestyle changes and dietary habits and try to follow as many of the advice points below as you can:

Exercise, particularly resistance training like weightlifting, is one of the most effective ways to increase testosterone. 

A well-balanced diet rich in zinc, healthy fats, and essential nutrients also plays a crucial role. Foods like shellfish, lean meats, nuts, and whole grains are excellent for hormone balance.

Quality sleep is another key factor, with 7-9 hours per night recommended for optimal hormone production. 

Stress management. Prolonged stress can be detrimental, as it increases cortisol levels, which can negatively affect testosterone. Stress management techniques such as mindfulness and deep-breathing exercises can be beneficial.

Limiting alcohol consumption and avoiding estrogen-like compounds found in plastics can also help maintain testosterone levels. 

Herbal supplements are popular with some people, like fenugreek and ginseng, although it's essential to consult a healthcare provider before beginning any new supplement regimen.

So to sum up, a combination of regular exercise, a balanced diet, sufficient sleep, and stress management can significantly contribute to boosting your T levels naturally. For more information check out our deeper dive into boosting Testosterone levels here.

Key Takeaways

  • The relationship between sexual activity and testosterone is complex and, currently, not completely understood by the scientific community. 
  • Another way of looking at the picture outlined above is that the scientific evidence is clear that there isn’t, in fact, any sort of substantial link between sexual activity and testosterone levels. 
  • Short-term studies have produced mixed results, with some suggesting a temporary spike in testosterone after sexual activity.
  • Long-term effects are still under review, but any increase in testosterone due to sexual activity is likely to be temporary.
  • Unhealthy levels of Testosterone can negatively impact sex-drive and mood.
  • Other lifestyle factors, including diet, exercise, and stress, also play a significant role in testosterone levels.


So, does sex increase testosterone? The answer is complicated. While there may be short-term spikes in testosterone levels following sexual activity, the long-term impact is less clear. However, to ensure you're doing all you can to keep your hormone levels in check, consider a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress management techniques alongside a fulfilling sexual life.

For a more personalized understanding of how sexual activity may influence your testosterone levels, consult a healthcare professional for tailored advice. 

What are your thoughts about Sex and Testosterone? Have you ever had your T levels tested? Do you have any other questions which we haven’t yet answered? Give us a shout in the comments below.


Does having Sex increase Testosterone? Studies are inconclusive as to whether having sex increases Testosterone. 

Does abstaining from Sex increase Testosterone? There is no definitive science suggesting that abstaining from sex causes anything other than a momentary increase in Testosterone which quickly disappears over time.

What are the best ways to increase Testosterone? The most effective way to naturally boost testosterone levels is through a combination of regular exercise, particularly strength training, a balanced diet rich in healthy fats and protein, adequate sleep and steps to reduce stress.

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October 19, 2023
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